Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I may be on the downslide into DownSide*

*Sorry, couldn't resist :)

Just so we're clear, this (again) is not a review so much as a one-sided discussion...

Okay, so I just finished the 2nd book in Stacia Kane's Downside Ghosts series - Unholy Magic. I'm reallllly starting to feel the Terrible luv - OMG I just want to hug him. I liked the glimpse we got into the man behind the sideburns in this book.

I still like Chess, even though she spends most of her time rollin' balls - somehow she still seems to get the job done. I can only imagine how formidable she'd be if she were clean. We also get a bit of Chess' history, which so far has only been hinted at. While I do not condone drug use, I can sort of understand what happened in her case...

So, here's the thing: I had my son put a bunch of new songs on my iPod, and my daughters and I have been listening to the same few songs over and over (how else are we going to learn all the words? LOL). Every time this one comes on I think about Chess and Terrible:

So, yup, getting ready to start book 3, City of Ghosts, and planning to make it last because I don't know how long I'll have to wait for book 4 :)


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