Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cover Love: Gini Koch's Alien series

Gini Koch unveiled the latest of her gorgeous covers yesterday. Behold... Book 3 in her Alien series - Alien in the Family:

(image copyright Daniel Dos Santos)

I have to say, Ms. Koch has really been blessed by the cover gods - these are some of the best covers out there. Daniel Dos Santos does amazing work!

This was a series I was reluctant to start reading. I tore through the first book and now I'mm impatiently tapping my toe waiting for the December 7th release of Alien Tango, the 2nd book in the series. Now, thanks to this amazing cover, I'm excited about Alien in the Family too!!! (That releases April 5, 2011 if anyone's keeping track :D) I've got to know what Kitty and Jeff are up it here yet?
How 'bout now?
No? In the meantime, observe the other fabulous covers in this series:

(all cover art copyright Daniel Dos Santos)

How 'bout now? :) I'm ready!!!!


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