Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Just when I thought it was safe to crack open a book...

...I've been sucked in, again. I picked up Grimspace, totally thinking it would just be a "bridge read" until I could pick a genre. I've been reading a lot of contemporary and paranormal and wasn't sure what I wanted to read next. Grimspace is sci-fi, so I figured it would be a good "palate cleanser". Three books later and I'm still going strong:

Even after I read and loved Gini Koch's Touched by an Alien, I figured it was a fluke and have steered away from sci-fi. All I can tell you is this: I'm totally glomming Ann Aguirre's Sirantha Jax series - it's fawesome! Sirantha is pretty kick-ass, but I love that she doesn't have all the answers and doubts herself. The books are told from her perspective, so we don't know what's going on with all the other characters, and I we don't know if Sirantha's paranoia has a basis for truth or is a symptom of her condition. There is romance, which I need, as well as action, intrigue, and conflict. In book 2 - Wanderlust - I actually threw the book against the wall! Of course, I immediately ran over and picked it up because I needed to know what happened next :)

I'm now into the 3rd book, Doubleblind, and I don't want to stop! I have to know what comes next! (I think I feel a sick day coming on :D)

(Thanks Mandi for recommending this series!)


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