Friday, June 11, 2010

Weekend plans and WATCH THIS SPACE!!!

I am sooooo looking forward to this weekend! I am getting up early and driving to Lake Charles to meet Cecile and one or two other bloggers! My sister-in-law from Houston is coming, so we are going to make it a girls' weekend and stay the night in Lake Charles, tear up the town, and head home Sunday - we'll make it home in time for the season premiere of True Blood!

So, let's recap:
~No work.
~No kids.
~Blog friends.
~Sister in law.
~Shopping and drinking.
~True Blood.

A good time is guaranteed!!!



Keep your eyes open and watch for some fun stuff here next week - my 1 year Blogiversary is Sunday, so I'm celebrating all next week! Watch for signed books, author swag, and my very first interview!

Have a great weekend!


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